Blue Dog PAC

National Journal: Moderate House Democrats Grow Their Ranks

The National Journal writes:

As House Demo­crats start their fourth con­sec­ut­ive Con­gress in the minor­ity, the moderate bloc of the caucus ap­pears to be sta­ging a comeback.

The party’s two cent­rist co­ali­tions, the Blue Dogs and New Demo­crats, are re­port­ing a boost in mem­ber­ship for the 115th Con­gress, with slightly few­er than half of the in­com­ing fresh­man Demo­crats join­ing their ranks.

Lead­ers of the groups are tout­ing the in­crease as a prom­ising sign for the party as it struggles to win back eco­nomy-minded voters in swing seats. And some mem­bers hope to lever­age their num­bers in­to a lar­ger stra­tegic role in pre­par­a­tions for the midterms.

Read the entire article here.