Blue Dog PAC

Blue Dogs Announce First Slate of Endorsed Candidates for 2014

Washington, D.C. – The Blue Dog Coalition made a definitive push for a return to centrist politics in our nation’s capital today, endorsing 3 candidates for the 2014 election cycle.  Selecting Democratic candidates with years of experience in business and public service, the Blue Dog Coalition continued its model of success by selecting individuals willing to stand for the middle ground and support commonsense policies to put the country back on a path to fiscal soundness and economic prosperity.

The first round of Blue Dog endorsed candidates includes the following:

  • Jennifer Garrison (OH-6)
  • Gwen Graham (FL-2)
  • James Lee Witt (AR-4)

“Now, more than ever, the American people are tired of the gridlock in Washington that has been created by the extremes of the right and left,” said Congressman John Barrow. “The Blue Dogs have always represented the commonsense middle, and we will continue to be a bridge between the two parties in an otherwise dysfunctional Congress.”

“For years, we have fought for balanced budgets and private sector growth through sound public policy, and the successes we have achieved are due in large part to our willingness to work with our colleagues across the aisle,” said Congressman Jim Matheson. “These four individuals share those commitments, and, if elected, are sure to be independent voices for their constituents. We could not be more pleased to endorse these candidates today.”

Matheson said that the Blue Dogs expect to endorse additional candidates in the coming months.

The Blue Dog Coalition was created in 1995 to represent the commonsense middle of the Democratic Party. Blue Dogs advocate for mainstream American values, a commitment to fiscal responsibility, and a strong national defense. The Blue Dog PAC supports candidates and Members of Congress who are dedicated to reaching across the aisle in the spirit of bipartisan compromise and in an effort to move the country forward.